Elliott Wave forecast & market correlation example
Read MoreMarket Correlation Market correlation is one of the powerful techniques we use to forecast the market. Many traders, especially beginners, make mistake by trading and forecasting only one or a few instruments. E.g. the most popular are EURUSD, USDX, SPX, DAX, Gold. Although EURUSD is the most popular forex pair ever, it doesn’t always have […]
Do you need to worry about Netflix 5 waves move ?
Read MoreNetflix (NFLX) is an American multinational entertainment company that specializes in streaming media , film and television production , as well as online distribution and DVD by mail. Last week , the company posted its biggest-ever quarterly subscriber growth with 7.05 million new subscribers beating its own expectations of 5.2 million . As we can see in the chart below that Netflix international […]
DAX Intra-day Analysis: Wave 3 in progress
Read MoreDAX extend the rally today and broke to a new high above blue (3). Index has reached 2.618 – 3.236 extension area where black wave ((iii)) can complete and we can see a pull back in black wave ((iv)) followed by more upside towards 11866 – 11951 area to complete red wave 3. We can […]
AUDUSD Elliottwave Analysis: Close to turning
Read MoreAUDUSD move up from 12/23 low is extending and as pair keeps extending higher with shallow pull backs, it looks like the move up from 12/23 low is unfolding as an Elliott wave impulse and although the cycle is mature, more upside within wave 5 is expected as a diagonal before pair ends the cycle […]