Timing the Peak in Stock Market
Read MoreIs Stock Market Valuation in Bubble Territory? Many analysts and forecasters argue that stock market is in bubble territory and about to do significant correction or even a crash. There’s a lot of reasons given, both from fundamental and technical point of view. For example, some popular reasons are: 1) The rally in S&P is the […]
DAX Short-Term Elliott Wave Analysis
Read MoreDAX shows a 5 swing Elliott Wave bullish sequence from 8/29 low, suggesting further upside is likely. The rally from 8/29 low is unfolding as a double three Elliott Wave structure where Intermediate wave (W) ended at 13089 and Intermediate wave (X) ended at 12903. The rally from 12903 low appears to be unfolding as an impulse […]
$PA_F Palladium Weekly Bullish Swing Sequence
Read MoreThe $PA_F Palladium Weekly Bullish Swing Sequence Palladium is a bullish commodity. Firstly I’ll mention the attached Palladium chart below is only a swing sequence labeled chart. This is from the monthly time frame. The data goes back to the 1980’s. It should not be relevant of as what the structure of the wave and cycle up […]
Is Trump’s Tax Reform Bullish for Equities?
Read MoreThe tax reform is perhaps the single most important agenda for Republicans. The consequence for falling short of the tax overhaul is dire. Should Republicans fail to deliver the tax reform, they could face rout in the mid-term elections next year. This means losing control of the Senate and possibly also the House of Representatives where they […]